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What To Do When Your Privacy Is Violated And Your Details Are Public

Your relationship with the Internet started out so well! Long before you realized it, sites like Facebook and Google were tracking your every move and keeping records on you to you use …

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Is Your Greatest Asset Also Your Biggest Weakness? Trust Us, It Is.

Your most valuable asset has nothing to do with information or data you store, but rather within your human resources departments – which may also be your greatest weakness. Cybercri …

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Top 12 New Apps on the Market

According to Pew Research, 77 percent of all Americans now carry a smartphone. There has even been a dramatic increase in smartphone usage for those over 50 years old. As Americans real …

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Billions of Computer Devices Won’t Get Intel’s Spectre Fix

17 Product Groups Named-Their Production Halted and Update Support Ended After Irrefutable Evidence Uncovered Flaw in Intel Chips. The information about the Spectre attacks came to lig …

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8 Intruder-Hating Tips For Home Office Security

Your Devices Are A Target For Online Prowlers. At Your Peril Do Not Ignore! Be Aware of Your Surroundings – Takes On a Whole New Meaning When you were a child, your mom or dad remind …

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IT Helps Dementia Patients

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are scary for both patients and caregivers. Right now, there is no cure. Scientists are trying to find ways of prolonging patient’s lives and delaying the o …

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Are We Learning Anything From All These Cyber Attacks?

So many big, expensive cyber attacks have taken place in the last few years that it’s hard to remember them all – when will we learn our lesson? Cyber attacks are common ground the …

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ALERT: Iranian Hackers Infiltrated 144 Universities in the U.S. Stealing $3.4 Billion. Is Your Data Safe?

According to Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Iranians connected to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were recently charged with conducting a massive cyber theft campaign on …

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Let’s Play “Tech Truth Or Dare”!

Your cybersecurity practices shouldn’t be treated like a game of chance unless you are 300% certain you’re going to win. What can you do to make sure your business isn’t the ultim …

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SamSam Strikes Again! Demands $51K from City of Atlanta

In case you haven’t heard, IT systems for the City of Atlanta were shut down by SamSam, a virulent form of ransomware. What’s SamSam? The SamSam malware hunts for critical files an …

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Hey You – STOP Giving Your Time Away For Free!

Technology has made it possible for you to get more done in less time. Are efficiency and productivity always a good thing? Technology and telecommute: Two fabulous words that start wi …

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The 9 Biggest Website Design Mistakes That Business Owners Make

With a great looking, professional website, your business can compete in today’s complex marketplace. Since your website is the first thing consumers see, it has to make a great first …

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