We’re not simply IT support company…
We’re your outsourced IT department – focused on YOUR business needs first.
Too many Boston area businesses never look for IT support until there’s already a problem, and by that point, you’re just putting out fires. If all you ever do is react to problems, your technology will never give you a solid return on investment.
You can’t take IT for granted. Your technology must be supported and optimized by professionals who are on YOUR side.
I recommend Boston HelpDesk to anyone considering IT outsourcing because the price and quality of the service is superior to their competition.”
“The important thing to know about Boston HelpDesk is they prevent computer problems before they occur. I selected Boston HelpDesk over another vendor to eliminate recurring server problems that could not be fixed and with the Boston HelpDesk the problems stopped. I recommend Boston HelpDesk to anyone considering IT outsourcing because the price and quality of the service is superior to their competition.”
Whether you need full-function office phone capability on the go or access to your applications and files from anywhere you travel, OnServe has the hardware and software configurations that can make that happen!
You need full system AND mobile device security. We’ve got you covered! We can implement sweeping security solutions for every in-house or mobile device while keeping your employees safe online and your data secure.
We remotely monitor your systems around the clock, so we can catch IT issues before they can drag your productivity down.
Trust ✅ Boston HelpDesk - Managed IT Services Provider in Boston to provide the right IT services and solutions for your Boston business. Call (617) 848-9393 or send an email to info@bostonhelpdesk.com – We’re ready to help.