Can My IT Company Help Us Communicate Efficiently?

10 Effective Ways To Communicate In The Workplace Communication is a very important aspect of any organization because it forms the basis of any work environment. Whether we’re talking about vertical communications between senior and junior employees or horizontal communication between team players, communicating effectively fosters good relations at the workplace. On the other hand, […]

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What The Sunset Of Windows 7 Means To Its Users

Windows 7 is being “put out to pasture” by Microsoft at the beginning of 2020.  Not all Windows 7 users are aware of precisely what this means and how it can affect their day-to-day business.  Because of impending issues, such as steadily degrading usability and increasing security vulnerabilities, Windows 7 users need to know what […]

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How IT Issues Can Hinder Your Team’s Productivity

Productivity is a major source of contention across offices everywhere. In today’s workplaces, distractions abound. While there are the typical culprits of reduced productivity, such as cell phone usage and office banter, there are other factors that can wreak havoc in even the most organized office environments, like IT issues. Determining which issues are responsible […]

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How Will Trump’s Tariffs On Chinese Goods Affect The Cost Of Technology?

The United States is in the process of leveling tariffs against China, and those tariffs are going to impact the cost of electronics, either directly or indirectly. A good understanding of how these tariffs will affect the cost of computers and networking technology, including items such as laptops, servers, and routers, is vital. However, there […]

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Customer Relationship Management Software (Research/Information)

Learn About Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM) Customer relationship management (CRM) software offers a full suite of solutions together in one program that helps manage data. A great CRM program is able to manage email, create reports, make calls, store information about prospects and customers, manage your pipeline, and a whole lot more. Today’s comprehensive […]

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Are IT Issues Ruining Your Workplace Productivity?

Studies conducted by CareerBuilder Harris Poll in the US showed that at least 22 minutes a day are wasted by an average worker dealing with IT-related issues. According to the poll, the leading cause of time wasted in the workplace is related to cell phone use, which ranked the highest at 50%, gossip which followed […]

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Ponemon Institute 2018 Cybersecurity Report (Information)

Every business knows that getting hit by a data breach can have devastating results. Oftentimes, you lose business along with customer trust. There’s a costly impact to your reputation, and a lot of time is lost on recovering all your data – all translating to huge financial losses. A new report now puts these implications […]

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What’s New in Microsoft Teams?

 The July 2018 Microsoft Teams Updates Microsoft Teams has quickly become one of the more popular chat-based workspace apps offered and it’s included in Office 365. It’s so handy to use and customizable for every sort of team. It’s perfect for one-on-one conversations, open group discussions, or even public meetings. Teams offers all the tools […]

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Network Basics: What Is SNMP and How Does It Work?

What is SNMP? If you are a new network professional in the field of Information Technology, SNMP is an acronym you will come across often. Or you may have heard of it at some point during IT training. SNMP means “Simple Network Management Protocol.” It is an application layer protocol integrated with an internet protocol […]

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Microsoft’s New Surface Go Tablet (Review)

Microsoft’s New Surface Go Tablet: Will It Stand the Test of Time? The latest new tablet being released by Microsoft is the Surface Go. So, what does it have that older predecessor’s lack? Though it does share some commonalities with its Big Brother, the Surface Pro, there are a few major differences. Let’s take a […]

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iPhone Users: Don’t Run 11.4.1 Update

Are you using an iPhone or iPad?  It may be worth it to hold off a few days before hitting that update button. Why? Reports are surfacing that after updating to #IOS 11.4.1 there are issues with app updates. The App store shows many apps that need to be updated, but when you press ‘update‘ […]

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