Tech Tip: iPad Pro vs. Microsoft Surface Pro

Laptop users are loyal to their devices, but when portability is a priority, tablets can’t be beaten. With so many strong tablet contenders on the market, narrowing down the options before making a purchase can seem overwhelming. This is especially true for shoppers who aren’t quite sure what features they’ll find most useful in a […]

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Will Using SEO Attract Clients to a Law Firm?

Gone are the days of hanging out a shingle and waiting for clients. With the advent of the Internet, lawyers only advertise in the yellow pages if they want to. Nearly everyone goes to their computer—or another digital device—when they are searching for anything. Looking for an attorney is no different. Search Engine Optimization (SEO), […]

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How Can I Stop Being Distracted and Get More Work Done?

5 Ways to Reclaim Your Time There are hardly any jobs in the modern world that permit you to work completely apart from other tasks. Getting stuff done today demands concentrated levels of teamwork and communication with your coworkers, your friends, and your clients. As a matter of fact, a recent report showed that the […]

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Can Business Benefit From Microsoft Office 365?

In today’s business world, it’s important for companies to stay ahead of the trends when it comes to the latest in tools for productivity. Office suites like Microsoft’s Office 365 have become popular among organizations hoping for more effective performance and communication. With Office 365’s subscription plans, users gain access to the full list of […]

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How Can I Benefit From Keyboard Shortcuts?

What Are Keyboard Shortcuts? Keyboard ‘shortcuts’ are the strategic use of combinations of keys on your keyboard to perform some task in your software more efficiently. There are shortcuts you can use in your file folders, word processing programs, and even for your email accounts or any social media services, you might use. In addition […]

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How Can I Best Protect My Business Entity From Current Hacker Potentials?

Improvements in technology have led to increased connectivity with improvements in security, but have also involved unique vulnerabilities and potential for hackers to access a wide range of information. Particularly problematic to businesses is the potential for a phisher to represent a part of the organization, or a supplier with a business connection to it, […]

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Excel for Mac: The Latest Features

A new release of Excel for Mac came out in January of 2018, and with it, some very useful features were added to its existing capabilities. While some spreadsheet power users tend to shy away from the Excel version for the Mac operating system out of fear they won’t be able to do all they […]

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Is Your Cloud Provider Prepared For A Disaster?

When companies fail at or are not prepared for a catastrophe, it’s often because they neglect to think that the unexpected is possible. They often fall into one of two categories: They assume disasters are unpredictable, so why prepare for them? They fall into the allusion that their plans are fail proof (nobody can sink […]

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How Can Instagram Accounts Be Hacked?

What Is Instagram And How Is It Vulnerable? Instagram is a recently created social media site that allows users to share images and videos. It is owned by the same soul that owns Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. Originally created in the partnership of Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, and officially launched in 2010, it first appeared […]

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Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day (Labour Day – International Workers Day –  May Day)! You’ve worked hard all summer. This Labor Day before going back to work and back to school, take some time to relax and enjoy one more backyard barbeque, one more trip to the beach, one more night sleeping under the stars, one more […]

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Lightning Fast Guide to Using Slide Master in PowerPoint 2016

Do you find yourself making a lot of formatting changes to your slideshows? Do you have to constantly rearrange the placeholders in each slide so things look the way you feel they should? Do the color options never seem to match what you need? Would you like to add a company logo or watermark? Then […]

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