Many small business advocates feel that the recent contracting rule by the Department of Defense may put small government contractors at a great disadvantage. This is due to the new multifactor identification requirements that will be placed on contractor-owned systems that use certain Defense Department Information, as well as imposing certain reporting requirements in the event of the system being compromised or hacked.

Multifactor Authentication

Increased Cyber-Security Can Cause Unmanageable Costs for Small Businesses

Although sufficient cyber-security is becoming more and more necessary for small businesses to have, it can come with a painfully hard price to swallow. Cyber-security has become an increasingly high expense for small businesses to handle, leaving small businesses who do not have the funds to cover implementing these proper security measures to lose potential business to their larger sized counterparts.

It’s not just the financial aspect that is negatively impacting these small businesses, but the time and manpower needed as well. Making changes to computing systems requires meticulous programming and project management undertakings, as well as considerable testing due to any changes to a system that could have unexpected ripple effects.

Small Business Staff is Often Unable to Balance Implementing System Changes with Current Responsibilities

For the majority of small businesses, expecting staff to take the time to implement system changes (especially with a deadline) can prevent them from giving their full attention to responsibilities, such as serving customers, which can cause a wide range of disruptions to their business. This can cause small businesses to be left with the difficult decision of putting other important tasks on the back burner while they focus many hours on security.

That’s why it’s essential to find an IT services company that’s able to handle all of this for you. You need someone who takes security seriously – and can handle implementing the right safeguards in accordance with the new rules without breaking the bank.

Everything Has a Cost

It is extremely important that businesses be aware of the security compliance costs associated with negotiating contracts, both government and otherwise. This reigns especially true for DOD contractors and subcontractors who may not fully realize what is involved for them.

Need cost-effective managed IT services to help you stay safe? Contact ✅ Boston HelpDesk - Managed IT Services Provider in Boston at (617) 848-9393 or email us at for more information.

Albert Najimy

Albert Najimy

When it comes to technology services and solutions, it's vital to have a knowledgeable and enthusiastic partner who can help clients achieve long-lasting growth using proven IT solutions. Our CEO, Albert, is fully dedicated to assisting clients in improving their technology to gain a competitive edge in their industries. At Boston Helpdesk, Albert Najimy leads a team of dedicated professionals who are focused on delivering exceptional IT services and solutions. With his extensive expertise and practical experience, Albert ensures that clients receive top-quality support and guidance for their IT projects. You can count on Boston Helpdesk to enhance your business systems and stay ahead in today's fiercely competitive business environment.