How Boston Businesses Leverage Technology in Operations for the Competitive Edge

Early computers were huge, occupying large spaces, and designed to perform complex calculations and computations in a matter of seconds for operators that would otherwise take hours – or days – to complete by hand. As technology evolved, innovation brought improvements in speed, size, and sophistication.

Technology was invented to simplify everything done by hand, and businesses have seized the opportunity to innovate operations and increase efficiency and productivity. Time is money, and the more time saved by improved efficiency the more cost savings realized by the average business.

What Can Technology Do for Your Boston Business?

Technology helps businesses improve operations by streamlining processes. Where technology performs basic tasks otherwise done by hand, staff can focus on other tasks that require personalized attention that cannot be automated. Leveraging technology to automate repetitive tasks in this way helps businesses control operational costs and improve profit margins. This also results in increased standardization, which boosts quality control processes and consistency.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are commonplace for businesses to manage business processes, allocate resources, and plan operational strategies. Many ERP systems also integrate with productivity apps designed to help businesses collect, store, manage, and analyze data for strategic purposes. These ERP systems, like Microsoft Dynamics, help businesses gain deeper insights and intelligence from data while maintaining accurate information on customers, staff, payroll, taxes, sales, inventory, and much more.

Technology Has Revolutionized Communication

From voice to email, and so much more, communications have been redefined by advancements in technology. From chat features built into websites designed to convert website visitors into customers, to instant messaging capabilities within productivity apps designed to improve collaboration among team members, technology has vastly improved the efficiency of communication.

Modern business operations rely on email as a workplace staple, eliminating the need for telephone calls that interrupt focus and require communications within set hours of certain days. Technology has removed limits from total communications for businesses, allowing professionals significant flexibility and efficiency.

Microsoft 365: Your Total Technology Solution

Professionals need to collaborate, communicate, and coordinate – and Microsoft 365 offers a total productivity package designed with efficiency and flexibility in mind. From the same minds who delivered Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and so many other productivity apps that professionals have relied on for decades of daily operations, Microsoft 365 is the modern-day all-in-one solution that also integrates with countless other apps.

For professionals who need to communicate and collaborate on projects, including sharing files and information in real-time without confusion over file versions, Microsoft 365 offers clarity in a recognizable platform. Plus, users can customize environments with program extensions called add-on’s that cater to personalized needs.

Where Technology Exists, Security Is A Must

Every aspect of your organizational information is dependent on security. Your IT ecosystem needs a total technology protection package, with state-of-the-art cyber security protections to make sure your data is secure. Businesses are increasingly relying on collaborative technology environments for team members to work together across distances and from different locations, and security can’t be overlooked.

Partner with an IT services provider to make sure your technology environment is secure, including:

  • Mobile Device Management
  • Password Best Practices
  • 24/7 Network Monitoring
  • Data Backup and Business Continuity Planning
  • Managed IT Services and Help Desk Needs