Tech Tips: Top 10 Free Windows Utilities

Windows users need their computers to do many different things. While the operating system has lots of built-in functionality, sometimes it can’t do everything it needs to. Fortunately, there are thousands of utility programs designed to simplify tasks and make work easier to manage. Whether you’re a programmer, artist, music fan, system administrator or computer […]

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Marriott Data Breach: What You Need To Know

Heads up if you’ve stayed or made reservations at a Marriott or Starwood property over the last decade. A major security issue was just announced and the scope of the problem is actually quite astonishing. Here’s what you need to know about the Marriott International data breach. What is the Marriott Data Breach? On November […]

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2019 Cyber Security Guide: Emerging And Enhanced Threats

In Part 1 and Part 2 of the 2019 Cyber Security planning series, we looked at the evolution of technology and the future of cybersecurity defense systems. There has been a steady evolution of defense options to curtail the rising efforts to commit cybercrimes. In this segment, we look at emerging and enhanced threats moving forward. Four Primary Cyber […]

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Microsoft Office 365, Data Governance Made Painless

Companies that manage data governance well are in a better position to meet data protection and retention compliance requirements and to accomplish their digital transformation goals. Microsoft Office 365 makes comprehensive, streamlined data governance throughout your organization easy, with automation tools for setting policies governing data retention, expiration, and deletion. The majority of companies already […]

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Microsoft Excel’s Social Media Calendar

We all know that social media can play a significant role in marketing your product. In the world today, more people are getting hooked up to social media meaning that the market is shifting in that direction. Social media calendar is, therefore, able to help you understand your audience’s preference. As a business person, you […]

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What Is Small Business Saturday? (November 24th, 2018)

How do you usually shop when you need something like a gift for a friend, a new pair of shoes, or a bike for your son or daughter? Today more than ever before, Americans make a beeline for the computer or a big box store when it comes to getting through their shopping list. And […]

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How You Can Celebrate Entrepreneurs’ Day in 2018?

Look around you. Your desk lamp, your headphones, that smartphone in your hands — everything you own and use daily was created in the mind of an entrepreneur. Sure, it may be mass-produced now, but at one time, every item in existence had to be thought up, created, and marketed for the very first time. It took […]

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Microsoft Search in 365 is Personalized for Your Business

If your business uses Microsoft 365, you know how difficult it can be to locate information amongst many different programs and applications on your computer network, your devices, and any other place you may be working from. But what if there was a way to access the information you need as quickly as you needed […]

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Want The IRS To Pay For Your New Technology?

What would be the one thing better than getting your hands on the new hardware, software, or office furniture you’ve had your eye on? How about getting new technology as a tax write-off? Awesome, right? Especially since technology tends to be as expensive as it is necessary. Register for our special on-demand training between now […]

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How to Use Designer in Microsoft PowerPoint

Many users have found that Office 365 PowerPoint is much easier to use than previous iterations of Microsoft PowerPoint. This application features tools like Designer that take advantage of Microsoft’s cloud technology and machine learning techniques for processing pictures and choosing a suitable layout for an image. Designer also makes it possible to change your […]

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How Did AI Transform The Financial Industry?

There were fears of job losses and machines taking over, but what’s happening in the financial services industry is anything but that. The finance sector is claiming greater benefits with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence. Due to the unscripted power of AI, the creation of the New-Collar worker has emerged. The potential of AI evolving […]

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Thank You Veterans!

World War I officially ended on June 28, 1919, when the Treaty of Versailles was signed. However, fighting ended seven months earlier due to an armistice on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end […]

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