If you’ve been considering whether to take advantage of your free Windows 10 upgrade opportunity, now’s the time to make your decision. On July 29, Microsoft is shutting down the free upgrade offer—and if you decide you want Windows 10 at a later time, you’ll pay a premium.
Those who don’t want anything to do with Windows 10 will rejoice in the fact that the end of upgrade season is coming to a close—as this also means those annoying popups and nagware offers will cease to exist. But if you’re in the camp that is considering making the leap, you may have a few unanswered questions left before making your decision.
Here is what you need to know in order to decide whether to jump on the free Windows 10 gravy train by July 29. (There’s even a bit of gambling involved to lighten the experience!)
Is Windows 10 Worth It?
It depends—but the short answer for most people is yes, Windows 10 is worth every penny, even at full price if that’s where your procrastination lands you after July 29. Some experts think this version of Windows 10 is the most comprehensive, user-friendly version of Windows ever made—and a few have even said that it’s the best desktop operating system available. That includes Mac OS and the soon-to-be-released MacOS Sierra.
What makes it so much better than the previous versions and all the other options out there?
How Much Will Windows 10 Cost After the Free Upgrade Ends?
After the free offer comes to a close on July 29, users will have to pay for the operating system. But how much will that cost?
Most eligible users will receive the Windows 10 Home version, which should be sufficient for personal use. If you are looking for a business version of the operating system, you’ll want to go with the Pro version which includes Secure Bot, Bitlocker, Device Guide, and Windows Update for Business, which allows IT administrators to control the extensive security settings that the new version comes equipped with.
Microsoft Wants You to Upgrade So Badly, They’re Willing to Bet They Can Make It Happen
Microsoft is so convinced that you’ll love Windows 10—and that they can upgrade you by the end of the business day—that they are willing to throw in a free Dell Inspiron 15 if they can’t make it happen in a timely fashion.
For the offer to apply, a user must go in person to a participating Microsoft store and check in their hardware at the Answer Desk before 12 noon local time. If Microsoft can’t upgrade you by the end of the business day, there are two ways your gamble will pay out:
In order to be eligible for the offers above, you must be the owner of record on the device, the device must power on, hold a charge, not be required to plug in to function, and the device must be in fully functional, operable condition without missing or broken parts or housing. Displays must be free of cracks and there can’t be any evidence of liquid damage.
Of course, if you’d rather just stay in the comfort of your own home to get your free stuff, you can take advantage of the upgrade offer only until July 29. If you’ve been getting clobbered with Windows 10 nagware notifications, that means your device is eligible and you don’t even have to leave the house for your free stuff.
✅ Boston HelpDesk - Managed IT Services Provider in Boston is your trusted Microsoft Partner and ready to help you with all your upgrade needs. Contact us at (617) 848-9393 or send us an email at info@bostonhelpdesk.com for more information.