Is Your Business Preparing For The End Of Windows XP?

Windows XP has less than one year remaining of official support from Microsoft, which doesn’t surprise the IT pros. TechRepublic’s survey indicates that XP is still being used, and many organizations don’t plan on replacing it. So what’s going to happen when they continue using Windows XP? The Dynamic of Windows XP In the early […]

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Michelle Obama Has Announced a Veteran IT Training Program

According to Federal Computer Week, First Lady Michelle Obama has shared that a new program will be providing thousands of veterans with a chance to achieve the certifications that are required for technology careers. Veterans have been facing high unemployment rates and difficulty getting important job certifications, so it’s a great time for the Feds […]

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The Importance Of Mobility For Your Boston Business

IT mobility began as a trend for personal use. However, business owners and executives in all industries have come to recognize the benefit IT mobility brings to the table; and for some it’s become a necessity. Small businesses all over the world have reshaped their business models to include the use of IT mobile devices […]

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ALERT! LivingSocial Customers—Change Your Password!

A recent cyberattack on the daily deals website LivingSocial has put customers’ information at risk. Hackers attacked the company’s servers last week and made off with personal data. The good news is according to LivingSocial customers’ credit card information and merchants’ financial information wasn’t accessed. However, the cyberattack resulted in access to data such as […]

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The Real Truth About Computer Viruses.

There are many myths regarding computer viruses and most of them revolve around Malware. Those of us who use computers on a daily basis are familiar with the concepts associated with Malware, but may not be sure what’s really true and what’s not. Myth or no, it’s in your best interest to learn about computer […]

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Does The Windows Surface Pro Make Sense For Your Boston Business?

There is a wealth of new technology for the busy New England business professional out there today?  But, what technology is best for your busy business? This is where having a trusted Boston IT service provider is worth their weight in gold. Many of you turn to the Internet to conduct research on new technologies.  […]

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What is protecting your Boston business network?

Savvy Boston business owners understand the importance of installing a great alarm system monitored by a team of professionals. When a burglar attempts to break into a business, the alarm sounds and the authorities are notified. Common sense, right? However, what about your computer network security? Do you have the same level of threat protection […]

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Making a smart IT security decision for your business.

It is no secret that security is one of the top concerns facing business owners. Every piece of technology on a corporate network is at risk from a wide variety of security threats including your printers, Wi-Fi networks, storage, computers, and servers. It is crucial to consider your entire network when reviewing your IT security […]

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Making a smart IT security decision for your Boston business.

It is no secret that security is one of the top concerns facing business owners. Every piece of technology on a corporate network is at risk from a wide variety of security threats including your printers, Wi-Fi networks, storage, computers, and servers. It is crucial to consider your entire network when reviewing your IT security […]

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Why Your Business Needs A Business Continuity Plan Now.

Business owners across the county understand the importance of meeting expectations of their clients and ensuring their business remains profitable. The most successful ones take steps to make sure nothing stands in their way. Threats confront business leaders daily. Mother nature, disgruntled employees and technical breakdowns can hit the heart of your business network at any […]

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